  • I am Jiantao Lin, a first-year Mphil student majoring in AI thrust of Information hub at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou).



  • “Learning Consistent Global-Local Representation for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition”, 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)

  • “Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Image Recognition with Graph Representation and Metric Learning”, Electronics 11.24 (2022): 4127.

  • “Graph Representation and Prototype Learning for Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Image Recognition”, Pattern Recognition Letters

Research Interest

    Computer Vision

  • General/fine-grained image classification

  • Generative adversarial networks

  • Talking head generation

  • 3D face reconstruction

  • Cross-modal generative model

Honors & Awards
  • First Prize of National University Students Electrical Math Modeling Competition 2021

  • Second Prize of the Guangdong Province Branch of the National Student Mathematical Modeling Competition 2021

  • Meritorious winner of Mathematical Contest In Modeling 2022

  • First place in "Changlu Cup" Student Science and Technology Innovation Competition 2022

  • National Project of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for University Students of Jinan University

  • 2021 Jinan University Outstanding Student Scholarship

  • 2022 Jinan University Outstanding Student Scholarship